Ask Ali - A Professional Dog Trainer Answers Your Dog Training Problems!
Hey! And Welcome to Ask Ali with Ali Smith. Your multi-award winning dog trainer who's here to help. Bitesize answers to your training queries to get the best advice for all your doggy capers & conundrums. Supporting modern training and all things scientific.Want your question answered? Ask over on Instagram or email woof@rebarkable.com.
Ask Ali - A Professional Dog Trainer Answers Your Dog Training Problems!
"How can I stop my puppy chasing my cats?"
Ali Smith
Season 1
Ali discusses how cats and dogs can get along. You can use management, training and create positive associations with calmness around cats.
Further reading
How To Stop Your Puppy From Chasing The Cat
Ali Smith is the founder of rebarkable.com This episode comes from an instagram live, head to @re.barkable or submit your question to woof@rebarkable.com