Ask Ali - A Professional Dog Trainer Answers Your Dog Training Problems!
Hey! And Welcome to Ask Ali with Ali Smith. Your multi-award winning dog trainer who's here to help. Bitesize answers to your training queries to get the best advice for all your doggy capers & conundrums. Supporting modern training and all things scientific.Want your question answered? Ask over on Instagram or email woof@rebarkable.com.
62 episodes
harness suggestions to help with pulling for a strong hound
Whats.that.rattle asks if I have any harness suggestions to help with pulling for a strong hound.I share three of my favourite harnesses we use with the hounds, and share why they're great for deep chested hounds.
Season 2
Episode 9

What would be my process of introducing a fear reactive dog to a new person in their home?
When you have a dog with fear reactivity, it can be hard to know how to introduce them to people in your home.In this episode, I answer Caicos' question from Instagram about how to introduce a fear reactive dog to a new guest in their h...
Season 2
Episode 8

is clicker training really necessary or is a yes aka a marker word just as good?
I'm so excited to share with you today's video: Is clicker training really necessary? Or is a marker word just as good?This was a question that Stewie_McD asked me on Instagram and it got me thinking.In this video, I'll discuss ...
Season 2
Episode 7

My dog startles out of sleep when we move on the sofa, what do we do?
Today, I'm talking about my dog who is startling out of sleep and showing aggression. Leisha asks for my opinion on whether she should adjust the dog's medication and train. I share my insight on what I suspect this may be, and that it's most l...
Season 2
Episode 6

Tips for handling an off-leash dog approaching
In this episode, we're talking about what you can do when an off-leash dog approaches your dog.If you've ever been out walking and had an off-leash dog come up to your pup, you know how stressful it can be. You have a few options: You c...
Season 2
Episode 5

What Do I Do When My Dog Reacts When I'm Out?
Today I'm answering whats.that.rattle's question about what to do when your reactive dog reacts and the situation was entirely unavoidable.First off, I want to say that we forgive ourselves, because we are human and it is not our job to...
Season 2
Episode 4

Should I adopt a second dog when my first dog doesn't like dogs?
In today's video, I'm answering lacoltural's question about whether she should adopt a second dog when her current dog doesn't necessarily like other dogs.As always, I'm so glad you're here and can't wait to see you next week!
Season 2
Episode 3

What Do I do About Dog Attacks In a Multi-dog home?
Welcome to Ask Ali, where I answer all your questions about dog training. Today's question is from Jenn, who asks "what do I do about dog attacks in a multi-dog home?"This is a really common issue that many of you may be dealing with ri...
Season 2
Episode 2

How do you re-grow confidence after your dog has been attacked?
How do you re-grow confidence after your dog has been attacked? Well, you start by taking a step back. Increase your distance to things (muzzle train if necessary) and try to show your dog that the world isn't so scary.
Season 2
Episode 1

"Have you personally worked with reactive dogs who would have later to be around other dogs in crowded areas?"
Season 1

"How do I give enrichment for a 3yo Pitbull Terrier with a Luxating Patella?"
Ali discusses enrichment options for a less able pitbull terrier.
Season 1

"What is your response to the claim that positive reinforcement doesn't work for every dog?"
Ali explains that this argument is something that she doesn't believe it's the case, and that mammals, lizards and birds and animals of all kinds respond to positive reinforcement. So why would our dogs be any different?
Season 1

"How do I help reactivity towards bicycles?"
Ali guides that this is often prey drive related. Suggesting finding appropriate outlets for this driver, and then counter conditioning and desensitization for the bike itself.
Season 1

"How can I stop my puppy chasing my cats?"
Ali discusses how cats and dogs can get along. You can use management, training and create positive associations with calmness around cats.Further readingHow To Stop Your Puppy Fro...
Season 1

"Can I teach my dog more than one thing at a time?"
Ali discusses HappyLittleWinnie's question "How do I work on my dog's relaxation in public?"Ali gives some examples using her dogs and who she would teach multiple things to, and who she wouldn't and why as a way to demonstrate why it w...
Season 1

"How do I work on my dog's relaxation in public?"
Philos' Friend asked "How do I work on my dog's relaxation in public?"Ali discusses applying the 3D's and rewarding calm behaviour.
Season 1

"How do I stop my dog from reacting to the upstairs neighbours through the floor?"
Kovu asked "How do I stop my dog from reacting to the upstairs neighbours through the floor?"Kovu is slightly nervous and alert barks at the noises the new upstairs neighbours make.This one will be tough because of the fact that...
Season 1